Mood Board / Music Journeys / women artists

A thousand dreams within me softly burn. –Arthur Rimbaud

A Visual Inspiration and Music Archive

Curated by Owner + Creative Director, Margo Breznik

Can you hear the music? Can you feel the magic hangin' in the air ? Listen Here > Spotify

All photos are credited unless unknown; click to enlarge for photo acknowledgement.



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Wuthering Height Via Exfundido
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Patti Smith and Same Sheperd London 


Photographed by Gerard Malanga

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Via Fuck Me Margeila
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VIA Roman and Williams I do, I undo , I redo said Louise bourgeois. A great inspiration and we chose this as our first image of 2021, well because it’s everything. It’s a book she made of textile collages, titled, Ode a la Oubli, these collages made from pieces of linen in her wedding chest represent ways of seeing that are profound. She worked with a seamstress Mercedes Katz and these remarkable pieces made from fragments that were sewn to become new ideas. Noble visions from the mundane. She was able to rethink what they could be and reinvent them. Rescue them from indifference. They represent vision and hope and the hand , curiousity, ingenuity and rebirth. From the modest and the small to the monumental. Optimism : reflection: motivation #rebuild #2021#louisebourgeois #MOMA
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